Environment and surrounding

Pollution prevention

ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS are a very important element of our business strategy. We systematically strive to:

reducing the consumption of natural resources, 

reducing the environmental impact,

increasing the environmental awareness of employees. 

Ruls of 3R

We offer our clients solutions that allow to reduce the negative impact on the natural environment, as well as reduce the costs associated with printing documents. We promote an environmentally healthy lifestyle according to the ruls of 3R. Applying the 3R during the production process minimizes water consumption and the amount of waste generated during production.


  • Reduce:

we gave up plastic bags and replaced them with paper packaging,

– we systematically reduce the amount of plastic used in production and during storage, among others stretch films, adhesive tapes, dividers, pouches, etc.


  • Reuse:

– we use: recycled folders, ecological pens, we print on recycled paper,

– we give a second life to products, passing them on to the needs of others by organizing collections among employees of POSIADALO


  • Recycle:

– we segregate garbage,

– we donate money from the disposal of plastic caps to charity.


Our impact on the planet


- üwaste from the production of prefabricated concrete elements is recycled and processed into CONSTRUCTION AGGREGATE,

- üfor the production of counterweights, we use metallurgical waste, which we process so that it can be reused in production as a safe raw material.

We operate in such way to minimize the harmful effects on the natural environment without compromising the functioning of the plant in the production process and the quality of products, which we implement through:

successively increasing the mass of processed waste in the production process,

rational water and sewage management,

waste minimization,

rational management of energy and raw materials,

optimization of water consumption,

increasing the awareness and ecological knowledge of employees,

ongoing verification of the compliance of the company's activities with the currently applicable environmental protection regulations.